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Same life New Choices

While I see Adults with varying Counselling needs and I remain greatly attached to that work, an area I also care deeply about is working with women in transitional stages of their life.


This could be if you are entering motherhood and pausing full time work or you've been a full time homemaker and you are wanting to get back into the workforce.

You may be in the process of putting your identity back together after leaving a long or short relationship and you need a safe non judgemental space to explore what's coming up.


You may have procrastinated at length about choosing a different path to realising a new expression of yourself in the world. Chances are that you're noticing how much time is lost, years lost deliberating on whether or not it’s your turn yet.


When something in your life is inadequate, difficult and painful or simply doesn’t work for you anymore, do you sometimes wait for someone else to change, for circumstances to be favourable yet find that the delay goes on for years?


Has the result been a loss in your capacity to make choices on your own behalf?

I have walked alongside clients who felt similarly. I offer support to uncover alternative lanes to arrive at your end goal.


It’s not uncommon for women to wait and wait until dramatic events occur in life before being willing to take that step towards living in a way more aligned with what suits them. 


Is this You?

Still waiting for others to change before choosing to live a life you want

Living in the daily habit of a life that doesn’t work for you

Feeling stuck in a rut and not utilising your potential


It's possible to live the same life but with new choices

To no longer wait for someone else or events to decide what you do in your own life 

To have the willingness and ability to steer your own life

To be the central decision maker and prioritise your needs


If any of the above feels true for you and you’re curious, you’re in the right place.  If you're not sure where or how to begin, contact me through the inquiry form. I’m looking forward to connecting with you.

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